A setback to the setback
So we were supposed to go in yesterday morning for the cortisone shot for her back. That was the plan anyway. But between Monday morning (25th) and yesterday morning she had slid so far downhill that I heard the words no pet parent wants to hear from their vet: “Holy hell, what happened?”
We don’t know how or why but she lost circulation to one of her front legs and the skin and tissue was necrotizing. A smallish patch had sluffed off during the night (I thought it was a pressure sore and had a grand time beating myself up over that) and evidently a larger patch during the day at the vet’s yesterday. (Grossed even him out – not easy to do!) She also had a huge edema on (in?) her belly. That was what really what shocked the vet and the fact that she was obviously in a great deal of pain.
As of last night, she was up and moving around. Eating and drinking and on, I imagine, some really awesome pain meds. He’s giving her fluids to beef up her blood volume to restart circulation to her front leg. Honestly, I don’t even know what all he’s doing. I do know he’s doing his best and everything he can think of.
She was still doing well this morning, eating and drinking and moving around. We’re taking it one day at a time. Or the vet is and I’m going to try to. Not something I’m very good at but you can teach an old dog new tricks. Or so I hear.
I know Isa is tough and all heart. I also know it’s up to her, whether she decides to get better.
One day at a time.