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December 8th, 2017

Happy Birthday and Gotchaversary to Roxy!!

Posted by teri in Uncategorized    

Today is six (6!!!) months since Roxy joined the family. Boy howdy, have they gone quickly – makes my head spin. She celebrated this morning in true Roxy fashion. As we walked into the kitchen for breakfast, she leaped past me, onto the kitchen counter. It appears Roxy believes the counter leaping is a pretty cool trick. Technically, I suppose it is. She was quite puzzled when I started yelling at her. There were also muddy footprints all over the counter when I got home last night. Footprints that could not, would not, ever be mistaken for Wallee’s. I moved Wallee’s food to the top of frig a few days ago and so far, so good. Three and half days and Wallee’s food bowl continues as it should. Don’t think there haven’t been attempts – believe me she’s trying. I’m quite certain it’s just a matter of time. But I’ll deal with that when it happens.

Also! last Saturday was her second birthday! I strongly suspect I will not see a more mature, calmer dog anytime soon. But one can hope.

In other news, that surprisingly, oddly, turned itself into good news, “Prince Charming” next door called animal control and complained about Roxy’s barking. It’s a first offense so nothing bad (yet). Third strike and they take her away. Sounds horrible, right? But it’s just the boot in the tucas I needed. I am going out with a real estate broker on Sunday to look for a new place to live. Something with more space for both Roxy and I and fewer close neighbors (among other things on the wish list). And I never would have even thought to do this if Roxy hadn’t made the current situation untenable. I believe one of the things Roxy came into my life for was to get me out of this current living situation. Inchallah, I will find a place in the ballpark of my “dream home” and my living expenses should be less if things work out the way I hope (fingers crossed). So there’s that. Believe me, I will undoubtedly be whining and beating my breast at some point if only because moving is such an unholy PITA. We all, also, have to think happy good thoughts that my current home will sell quickly and for a good price. It won’t go on the market until February or March.

As for Prince Charming, I’m planning/hoping to negotiate with him – if I keep Roxy in the house in the mornings and on weekends, will he please, please back off on calling animal services. Let him know we’ll be departing for healthier (for us) parts as soon as is practical. This too requires good happy thoughts that he’ll find some semblance of humanity and agree. In order to pull off this move (and get the house ready for market), I (desperately) need the breathing room that will come with not having to worry about him.

So there’s the latest and greatest. I’m very excited.

love to all

Teri, the Roxinator and Angel Isa

December 1st, 2017

Photographic Evidence

Posted by teri in Uncategorized    

Albeit of rather poor quality. My phone, and therefore my camera, are edging into dinosaur territory.

Yesterday morning I went from putting one dining room chair on the kitchen counter to two chairs. When I got home last night, both chairs were on the floor and poor Wallee’s bowl was, once again, empty. My camera phone focuses so mind-numbingly slowly, that Miss Thang has inevitably moved before the shutter goes. When I started taking this, she was looking at me and wagging her tail. I suffered a bit of a conflict between satisfying the Tripawd necessity for a photo and hollering at her.

Clearly, I still don’t have a workable solution and she’s becoming increasingly brazen (not to mention pleased with herself).

Happy Friday all!


Teri, the (incorrigible) Roxinator and Angel Isa


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