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Isa's Story

August 11th, 2016

One Month Ampuversary!

Posted by teri in Uncategorized    

Was this past Tuesday and I’m glad this past month is behind us now. All’s well that ends well but I am not up for a repeat.

And wonder of wonders, my smiley girl is back! She scampered into the kitchen at the sound of carrots being cut up and and is once again supervising her meal preparation with fierce attention. She even met me at the back door when I got home one day. But only on the one day – go figure. She’s again barking at the cars out front and the people and dogs on the trail in back of the house. Not quite as consistently and forcefully as before but one must maintain one’s nap schedule after all.

The bad news is we are reduced to the Cone of Shame to keep her from chewing the bandage off her front leg (where the skin was necrotizing and falling off). I’m afraid it’s going to be a very, very long haul for that to heal and so will be stuck with the cone for a very, very long time. It’s driving us all bonkers.

And then there was the midnight-thirty adventure the other night. I’m still sleeping downstairs with her, and after this adventure I am slightly more optimistic that someday I will again sleep upstairs in my own bed. As background, our backyard is not big, flat for 15-16 feet then a fairly steep slope down to the fence. I’m in the process of terracing it as time and money allow and have steps built more or less in the middle. Because I don’t have steps built yet to the dog door, no point in hurrying since she can’t use it with the cone, I had to get up to let her out when the need arose.ย  I stood there waiting for her to come back. Waited some more but no sign of her. Turn on the porch light and still don’t see her but I hear the cone rustling.ย  Slipping just my toes into shoes I go out to find her stuck halfway down the hill (on the un-terraced side). For some inexplicable reason she has always preferred pooping on the steepest part of the slope and that has evidently not changed. (If anyone can offer insight as to why, I’d love to hear it.) I tried grabbing her collar (middle of the night so no harness) to pull her up but she just slid more until a small juniper stopped her. I sat down on the stairs to put my shoes all the way on and sheโ€™s laying there, looking at me like there is no possible explanation for my behavior, why am I not helping? Once down the stairs, I pull her to the bottom of the hill, get her upright and at the foot of the stairs. Again she looks at me checking for some sign of sanity — no way could I be expecting her to go up the stairs! I ran up and grabbed a towel and then back down, slung her back half with the towel and we sailed up the stairs like they were nothing. (!) Evidently stairs can be dealt with if she is sufficiently motivated. Good to know.

I am so happy to see her former self resurface. I halfway suspect getting off the Tramadol has been a big help. It’s funny (but not ha-ha) how gradual that change is, the cancer and the pain stealing your dog away. You almost don’t notice. Almost. I know I heard it all over this site, that their old selves come back after amputation. While I believed it, I didn’t understand the degree of what had gone missing. I get it now. Thank you – I really do not know what I would have done this past month without y’all.

I took a picture of her in her harness (with Wallee and our two-story water bowl) but I tried uploading it from home last night and my internet there sucks. Moving on to Plan B. Stand by.

Back for chemo on Monday, and a bandage change. I don’t know what the plan is for her back, the Week from Hell interrupted that conversation but it will be recommenced on Monday as well.

I hope you and yours are all doing well!

Hugs and a high-three from Teri and Isa.


  1. So glad to hear she is doing better!

      otisandtess — August 11, 2016 @ 10:15 pm   Reply

  2. Wow this pretty girl sure keeps you on your toes! Glad to hear her problems are resolving although I’m sure too slowly for you of course. Hope the cone of shame can be put away for good soon! Hugs!

      linda8115 — August 11, 2016 @ 10:24 pm   Reply

  3. HAPPY ONE MONTH AMPUVERSARY ISA!! And what a month it’s been!

    So you are determined to poop on a sloop, huh? Maybe that’s to make your poop roll downhill???

    I tell ua what, for a “seasoned” gal, you are quite the strong Warrior Princess! ๐Ÿ™‚ You’ve certainly had your fair share of challenges, vut you keep vouncing back and getting stronger all the time!

    No more late. night scapades with you sliding down into the juniper bushes, okay? I did have to chuckle a bit at the visual your mom painted, alo g with the thought bubbles she gave you!

    There really are a lot of things to celebrate, in spite of your “chchallenge”. Overseeing the preparation of food…gretting at the door…barking…and best of all, not being in pain! YAY FOR ISA!!! I think it was around the five week mark when my Happy Hannah vot up to greet me! I was overjoyed! I know seeing Isa’s slarkle come back is the best feeling in the world! You are doing a WONDERFUL job of taking care of your girl and Wallee is a great helper! ๐Ÿ™‚

    Update when you get back from the vet. Hoping she can have her cortisone shot and that her leg continues to get better fast! I guess you can take the cone off whike your with her most of the time watching her?

    Let’s celebrate all jer victories and ONE MONTH AMPUVERSARY with a bowl of carrots topped with ice cream and a slice of carrot cake with yummy frosting!

    Love and hugs!

    Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

      benny55 — August 12, 2016 @ 11:46 am   Reply

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