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Isa's Story

August 17th, 2016


Posted by teri in Uncategorized    

Four trips to the vet in three days – and he’s not exactly conveniently located. Sheesh!

They kept her overnight Monday night to continue the warm compresses and it really does seem to have helped. Because clever, stubborn, naughty girl that she is, she chewed the brand-new bandage off at 3 am last night. So back to the vet for a new bandage this morning. I have moments of thinking she did it just to get a car ride, even if it was to the vet. We also secured a new Cone of Shame, the hard plastic kind because the softer (blue, plastic-y) one can be bent, crumpled and got around. Obviously. And dog bless the hard plastic cone, she knocked over the full water bowl as soon as we walked back into the house. So the water bowl is back on the floor because she can get to the water there with the cone on. And, already late to work from the unplanned trip to the vet, I got to mop up a half-gallon of water. Followed by first day of school traffic.

She did get her second round of carboplatin on Monday/Tuesday in spite of the fact that it will undoubtedly slow down the healing of her elbow. Postponing chemo is no help to our end game so I’m glad that we are moving forward with it. She had a hardcore nap (3 hours) when we got home last night and seemed a little sluggish this morning, otherwise okie-dokie. I will be keeping an eagle eye on her for the next week. It was a week after the carboplatin when the week from hell started. I don’t actually think that was the precipitating cause but one can never be sure. I am learning. Maybe a little too slowly but I am getting there.

And how annoyed was I, when pacing the vet’s lobby Monday evening, to find a pile of Tripawds brochures? I’m guessing they were there all along. I do wish I had found them before her surgery but all’s well that ends well. I got here and that’s the important part.

And, in praise of my vet, he finally put together the charges for the week from hell. He cut me a huge, huge deal. The charges for an entire week of hospitalization ended up being just a hair over what one round of chemo cost. I may not have to mortgage the farm after all! Or, more accurately, not mortgage it any further. So I’ve got that going for me.

We go back Friday for a bandage change. 48 hours and no vet visits (inchallah), hooray!

I do hope everyone’s week has been good – even if it is only hump day. I am hoping for an improvement from here.



  1. So glad that she is doing better, and hooray to you vet for cutting you a break on the charges! Bummer that she is stuck with the cone of shame, but sounds like she is pretty unstoppable with the bandages. Hope the rest of your week keeps getting better!

      otisandtess — August 17, 2016 @ 9:54 pm   Reply

  2. Okay Isa, I know you like your vet v4ut this is getting crazy!! How bout this? Your Mom will take you for a car ride and a visit to your vet twice a week WITHOUT ANY MEDICAL ISSUES, okay? You don’t have to have any kind of crisis! You can just go visit! You’re wearing yiur Mom out! She’s doing an excellent job of holding it together though!!

    Really glad your vet worked on the bill for you! That’s quite a tribute to how much he cares about Isa and you!

    Hoping she sails thru the chemo with no issues. At least you can have a heads up now. She walking around okay? Eating good?

    Hang in there!!!!!!! She IS making progress!!!! Ever so slowly but surely!!

    Lots of love to all!

    Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

      benny55 — August 18, 2016 @ 2:54 am   Reply

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