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Isa's Story

August 5th, 2016

She’s Home!

Posted by teri in Uncategorized    


A full week at the vet’s, a long week for both of us I suspect. I can’t even believe how much better she is – my smiley girl is back! More than I’ve seen in months, long before diagnosis and the start of this journey. And I’m very sorry I didn’t think to video Wallee the cat’s greeting when we got home last night. Clearly, Wallee missed her dog buddy.

Isa is still very weak but I now have some clue as to how to improve that. Something to be said for a week of catch-up reading. Does anyone else have a problem with their tripawd walking in circles? Is that a strength issue? I swear she comes awfully close to smacking into walls.

Whatever the cause, the circulation issue thankfully reversed itself and relatively quickly. The vet stitched the wounds closed as best as possible. There’s not a ton of loose skin on front legs to close up so it will be interesting to see what it looks like – more Frankenstein’s monster I suspect. At the moment, it’s heavily bandaged and we go back Monday morning for a bandage change. Also maybe going to finally do the cortisone shot for her back and maybe chemo. I have no clue what the criteria is for doing the cortisone. Personally, I think I’d rather put off the chemo for at least week but we’ll see what the vet thinks and how strong she is on Monday.

She was also styling her new Ruffwear harness last night! I’ll get pictures this weekend. The red sets off her coat so nicely!

and an older picture for entertainment purposes:


August 1st, 2016

Monday Morning Update

Posted by teri in Uncategorized    

Albeit not much of one.

As of Friday evening, Isa was better. Stronger, eating and drinking and hopping around some. Vet said he thought the circulation problem was getting better but wouldn’t commit to much. She spent the weekend at the vet, getting the care she needs. It was harsh for me being at home without her, and vacuuming up all the dog hair not knowing if she’d be home to replace it.

They said she was still doing well this morning. I haven’t talked to the vet yet, he’s supposed to call at some point today so we can figure out what’s next. I’m afraid to get my hopes up too much.

I’ll keep you posted. Thanks so much everyone! It helps not being alone with all this.


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