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Isa's Story

October 3rd, 2016

A Couple of Pictures

Posted by teri in Uncategorized    

Purely for entertainment value.


This is the present/bribe my sister brought when she was visiting last week. Look at the size of that bad boy, it’s as big as her head! She was so happy – for a while. It was a little too rich for her and upset her tummy so she only gets possession for little bits of time now.

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Her Halloween costume! She’s hard to photograph – never holds still long enough. The blurry one is a better shot of the wings. The look on her face in the other – once again I am judged insane. I have wandered through the Halloween pictures here on the site and she really should count her blessings. It could be sooo much worse!

This is from four or so years ago, when we first moved to New Mexico.

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She does love her pillows. And clearly, looking at her expression, my insanity issues are long-standing.

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This is us at the Rio Grande about a month before her amp. Best thing in the world playing with the ball in the river! She loves to drop it into the current and watch it flow downstream. We’ve lost any number of balls that way. She also jumped out the (parked) car window on this trip, she was so excited to be at the river again.

She’s doing well. I cancelled our rehab appointment for Wednesday so I need to get us moving with the new place. And it looks like her elbow is starting to heal and harden up. So we’ve got that going for us.

Happy Monday!


  1. What great photos! My guys tend to get a bit of digestive issues after a bone too, but that won’t stop them. What stops me is finding half eaten, rotten bones under furniture where they hide them if I am not continually looking. Same with half empty Kongs.

      otisandtess — October 3, 2016 @ 9:02 pm   Reply

    • Long lost rotten bones? Ewwww! I guess it’s good my furniture is so low to the floor – only thing that fits are cat toys. Sadly those are usually covered in dog spit. Poor Wallee. And one of our kongs disappeared completely about a month ago. Sucked into another dimension as near as I can tell.

        teri — October 3, 2016 @ 10:31 pm   Reply

  2. It IS a happy Monday now thanks to Isa’s great pictures today 🙂

    And yes Isa, your Halloween costume could be a lot worse!! From your expression though, you clearly think this is an awful costume!

    Your human sister she did give you a fine bone! You are such a lucky girl!

    The photo of you all comfy on your couch makes me want to come snuggle with you! Yiu are such a pretty girl!

    Are you going wading in the river anytime soon? We’d LOVE tosee video of you playing with your ball! 🙂

    Thanks for making today a good day!! Then again, everyday with Isa is a good day!

    Lots of love!

    Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

      benny55 — October 3, 2016 @ 10:10 pm   Reply

    • Not sure we’ll get to the river any time soon. Couldn’t go with her elbow wound and now that it’s at least close to healed, the weather is starting to turn. I’d love to get back to the river, it would do both of us a world of good. Need to bump that one up the priority list – thanks for the reminder.

        teri — October 3, 2016 @ 10:36 pm   Reply

  3. Love the pics, and the look on her face! Nitro doesn’t sit still very often either. For his Halloween pic (which also happens to be his 11th birthday) I want to figure out how to make him look like a canine version of an old-time camera on a tripod ….since I’m not very crafty, not sure it will turn out. Glad she’s doing well.
    Paula and Nitro

      dobemom — October 4, 2016 @ 12:09 am   Reply

  4. Great to read that Isa’s elbow is healing up! And that she is doing well in general Pretty, pretty girl. She does look so happy with that bribe!

    Lisa and Pofi

      hester — October 4, 2016 @ 3:59 am   Reply

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