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Isa's Story

November 17th, 2016

Four Month Ampuversary!

Posted by teri in Uncategorized    

Was Saturday. Sadly, no portrait was taken for the occasion. Isa was having tummy trouble (okay IBD. one of these days I’ll bore you all with her “prequel” year of medical trauma/drama) due to the stress of mom busting around all weekend moving furniture and carting DIY debris from the backyard through the house in the wheelbarrow, among other unacceptable behaviors. And I can’t believe it’s been four months – so fast and in other ways so slow. The slow part may well have been those first six weeks when we were having trouble catching a break.

Marking her four-month ampuversary I have admitted defeat, admitted she will almost certainly not make it up the stairs on her own again (they are steep and there are a lot of them) so I moved the mattress and box springs downstairs. My back is already happier. Mostly the move was because I missed having her on the bed with me for cuddles and Saturday morning rasseling. I built a step for her so she can get up when she wants (aesthetics were not a factor). She has zero idea what or how to cope with the step, in spite of me personally demonstrating technique at 3:30 in the morning. We’ll work on it some more tonight with treats (again) and see if the light bulb sparks. If not, I’ll move the box springs back upstairs this weekend. If she can’t figure out how to get up on just the mattress, even if it is a big ol’ pillow-top, I have no clue what we’ll do.

I also suspect her of being something of a faker when it comes to stairs. We have three steps up to the garage – when we go somewhere in the car, she insists I help her up and she barely helps. My dad was visiting a couple of weeks ago and when I came home from work one day, no dog greeted me. You can all imagine how that felt. My dad was working out back: “Dad, where’s my dog?” “Inside the house.” “No, no dog inside. What did you do with my dog?” He shrugged and went back to what he was doing. I didn’t panic although my heartrate may have increased a teensy tiny bit. I do believe Tripawd moms and dads have the paranoia thing in spades and I have to admit to not being recovered emotionally from the Week from Hell this past summer. I doubt I ever will. I went back inside for a more focused search. Like it is remotely possible to miss seeing her, tiny beast that she is and the house simply not that big. I finally checked the garage and that was where she was hiding/stuck – she went in to check things out and couldn’t get back out due to door swing. Stinker clearly got up those stairs just fine all by herself. Faker I tell you!

Her elbow is still mucky, intermittently abraded and I believe driving her bonkers. Being a less than stellar tripawd mom, I am only now, however many weeks later, trying to find an elbow protector that I’m willing to afford (doesn’t exist) or a DIY alternative that strikes me as doable, durable and Isa-proof. I found one alternative in an old tripawds forum and a couple on Pinterest but nothing thus far has leaped off the screen at me screaming that it’s an ideal solution. If I come up with something workable I will of course share. Y’all might hear the party from wherever you are anyway.

So there’s Isa’s current status. We are keepin’ on although the winter dark is a bummer. At least a nice long Thanksgiving weekend is coming up with ample time for an adventure!

I hope everyone is doing well – hugs and big slobbery dog kisses to all!



  1. Hoppy four month ampuversary!

    I hope the box spring gets to stay – it makes a major difference to the human’s back. At least you can be in the same room. Perhaps put her bed right by your head so you can reach over and pet her during the night? Would she use a ramp?

      otisandtess — November 18, 2016 @ 9:39 am   Reply

    • So far she has no clue what to do with the ramp but we’ll keep trying. Because of where I put my bed, and it’s really the only/best option, there’s really no space to put her bed. I put her harness on last night (in the dark!) and more or less threw her up on the bed, much like loading into the car. She slept all night with her head on my stomach. I can’t tell you how lovely it was for me, and I think she was happy too. We’ll figure it out.

        teri — November 18, 2016 @ 5:40 pm   Reply

  2. What??? No pictures??? Humans can be so silly sometimes! You know we need pictures of our little Miracle Senior Gal!!

    HAPPY FOUR MONTH AMPUVERSARY ISA!! SPECTACULAR JOB!! Celebrating like crazy over here! 🙂

    And YAY for sneaking up those stairs!! Busted though!! Now your Mom won’t carry you! But hey, my Happy Hannah never could do stairs either. So like yiur Mom, I just got a mattress and moved downstairsdowns. I could not stand not sleeping with my dogs!

    Okay, no pictures…does that mean you didn’t get any special treats either for your AMPUVERSARY? It’s not too late!! Demand ice cream and cake!!

    Keep on keepin’ on! You are such an inspawration!!!

    Lots of love to all!

    Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

      benny55 — November 18, 2016 @ 3:39 pm   Reply

    • I know, bad mom for no pictures. And she didn’t get any treats for her ampuversary because she wasn’t eating anything at all her tummy was so yucky. I will make it up to her this weekend. Hmmm, I seem to recall taking some steak out of the freezer.

        teri — November 18, 2016 @ 5:43 pm   Reply

  3. Happy Ampuversary, beautiful Isa!!!! I love that you slept all night with your head on your Mum’s stomach. And both of you so happy. Just love that image. Never mind the stair thing. Your mum thinks she’s got you sussed, but your the horse I’m backing!
    Lots of love from your friend, Meg xxx

      megstamum — November 18, 2016 @ 7:51 pm   Reply

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