This and That
Mostly we’re cruising along, Isa and I. We split a rotisserie chicken for Thanksgiving dinner which left enough for a sandwich for me and several days worth of treasure hunt treasure for her. Getting us out for an adventure over the long weekend was less than successful. On the other hand I got a ton done around the house. But we did go for a short walk. Might have been longer but I was not dressed appropriately for the wind/weather which suddenly decided it was, in fact, winter.
You can see her top coat has still not grown back. Craziness!

In the car – as always, there seems to be some question regarding my sanity.
And for Sally, a very blurry picture of the steak presented on the occasion of her four-month and one week ampuversary. At least my sanity is not being called into question here.
We’re still going round and round with her elbow. It’s better for a day or two and then not so much so I put together an elbow protector for her, a thing of beauty. I tried to take a picture but it’s black fabric on black fur so problematic. Also problematic is someone’s ability to undo velcro in less than ten seconds. I thought I’d won, bypassing the velcro with safety pins. But no! I got up this morning and she had somehow undone (as in opened and removed) the safety pin and pulled the whole thing off. Moving on to Plan Q now, whatever that is. But when we can keep it on, the owie is so much better!
In the interests of paranoia, we’ve got a vet appointment next Monday. I’m reasonably certain her back is starting to bother her again, causing a certain amount of wobble. I think you can see it in the video. And she’s parsing out her breakfast some/most mornings, not clearing her bowl until mid/late morning – absolutely unheard of. Not to mention this weird cough/choke noise on occasion, mostly at night. That one has me intermittently freaked out, not to mention frequently startling me out of a sound sleep. Hopefully I can record it so I won’t have to attempt an imitation for the vet. Smart phones have to be good for something.
I’ll report in post-vet although “they” have been making me actually work at work, thereby radically cutting into my Tripawds time. The nerve of some people!!
I hope all of you and yours are well. Happy belated Thanksgiving!
Lovely Isa, cruising along. Glad to see it!
On her elbow and the healing, have you ever heard of using Manuka Honey? You would have to keep her from licking it,of course, but it sometimes does wonders!
I’ve not heard of Manuka honey – I’ll look it up. Once Plan Q for the elbow protector is implemented, that will keep her from licking it. thanks for the tip!
Oh Isa!!! Your pictures just melt my heart! I just adore everything about you!! That close-up….so preciius! Smooching that sweet senior mug through the screen!!
LOL! Look at you smacking your lips while looking at yiur celebration steak!! You xeserve every morsel! YUM!! Your Mom did real good!! 🙂
Soory she’s having a little…hmmm….”weakness” in the back leg. Doesn’t seem to interfere with her happiness in the least though.
Try not to worry about that cough. It can be sooooo many things. Especially in a “mature” dog. I’m sure you’re familiar with reverse sneezing and all the spooky sounds that causes!
Look forward to hearing about Plan Q!!!
Lots of love and hugs…And more steak for Isa!
Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!
I know the chocking coughing thing can be anything. Her lungs were were very spotty (but no mets) in the pre surgical x-rays and described to me as “old lady lungs”. I watched a couple of reverse sneezing videos on youtube today. (what on earth did we do before the internet?) She has done that occasionally but this is not that. I’ve never heard this kind of thing from her before. It rather sounds like she’s vomiting up a lung. but it also seems to have subsided the last couple of days. I’ll sleep better once the vet tells me to get over myself.
Plan Q I believe will be stitching the elbow part closed and pull it up her leg with a button (on the inside) for the strap around her chest. We can only hope that works or at least holds for some period of time. She does keep me on my toes!