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Isa's Story

February 9th, 2017

Oh you guys!

Posted by teri in Uncategorized    

Your love and support has meant so much to me, I can’t even tell you. Not that I was surprised because I’ve seen it over the past six months but I was surprised. Without going into my personal idiosyncrasies, the depth and outpouring of your support changed me in the best possible way. I am forever in your debt.

And people in real life have been equally incredible. Even my vet, with whom as you all know I’ve had some ups and downs with, sent a beautiful basket of live plants with flowers tucked in here and there. And when I went into the pet food store for cat food a little while ago, the massive newfie who was hanging out looked straight into my eyes and clearly saw my hurt heart. At least until another lady came over with treats.

I can’t believe it’s been three weeks already. I’m functional, because that’s what I do, with occasional massive meltdowns. Right on schedule as near as I can tell. The house is too quiet and I’ve yet to figure out how to deal with food dropped on the floor. Doesn’t it disappear on its own? Always has before.

I’ll probably be around a little more from here on. I’ve missed all of you.

In parting, here is the first picture of Isa, on her gotcha day:


  1. awww sweet Isa. I am glad you are back. The melt downs are totally normal. Heck I have them every once in awhile and it has been over 3 years. Not as many now but there are times that my heart hurts and misses Sassy (always will).

    hmm I have an idea to help that food disappear but you will know when you are ready for another furbaby.

    Michelle & Angel Sassy

      Michelle — February 9, 2017 @ 9:33 pm   Reply

    • yep, I know I will always miss my sweet girl. I have accepted that meltdowns will be a way of life at whatever intervals. There are worse things.
      Not time yet for a new furbaby but s/he will show up at some point, no question of that. In the meantime I’m planning on gutting my bathroom. distract! distract! distract!

        teri — February 9, 2017 @ 9:53 pm   Reply

  2. Yep, that food on the floor problem is a real dilemma. I remember dropping some cheese, and being shocked that it just sat there. What? I have to bend over and pick this up? That and not having to vacuum dog hair every Saturday morning. Of course, you know how I solved the problem. : )

      otisandtess — February 9, 2017 @ 9:48 pm   Reply

    • and what an awesome (and handsome) solution you found!

        teri — February 9, 2017 @ 9:54 pm   Reply

  3. That “gotcha’ day” picture has me grinning ear to ear!! Isa was soooo pleased with herself to have picked you…and you her!!!

    I KNOW it still hurts so badly not to jave her physical presence with you. As Michelle said, the waves of grief will hit you out of the blue for years to come. But as you’ve already seen, the happier memories like “gotcha’ day” will continue to push the sadness further into the background.

    Isa touched us all, as did the love and devotr you had for each other. And what a wonderful way for the Vet to celebrate her life! So thoughtful!

    Yeah, that Newfie was definitely making a Soul connection and sending you some love….And maybe even a “hello” from Isa that the dog was able to “sense” and pass onto you!

    Keep sharing some more pictures and stories of Isa when you can. She is such a special, special gal!

    Lots and lots of love

    Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

      benny55 — February 10, 2017 @ 4:23 pm   Reply

  4. Hey Teri. I’m glad to see that you’re functioning as well as anyone could after losing such a huge part of their heart. I was thinking of you today. If you want to talk I’m here OK? Much love to you.

      jerry — February 27, 2017 @ 6:48 pm   Reply

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