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Isa's Story

September 27th, 2017

A weekend of miracles

Posted by teri in Uncategorized    

We’ll save those for the end. And since I have been told Roxy and I are designated Tripawds entertainment, I give you Exhibit A:

The scene that greeted me on my arrival home last night. Multi-effort destruction: TP holder and TP from upstairs, dishes and trash bag from under the sink, brand new scrubber things also from under the sink with the foam portion (evidently) consumed, both cat beds from upstairs and (not pictured) the grill cover and brush. There is a possibility the wind caused or at least started the grill cover’s demise. It was on it’s last legs. Other losses include the spatula and some tupperware, the grill brush may have some life left. Please note the empty dog food can in “her” chair. Thank goodness the trash was largely empty. For the record, the cabinets under the sink close with magnetic catches, all I ever needed to keep Isa out – “someone” has figured out how to open them. I have velcro on them now but I don’t think that will last long. I need to come up with another solution. Fast.

In between weekend miracles, I did some remediation. The bottom hinge of the gate in the back fence looked like this:

yes, a nice big strong iron hinge bent enough to leave a gap potentially large enough that someone (besides Wallee) could squeeze through. So now the gate is no longer a gate and looks like this:

Pretty isn’t it? As near as I can tell there’s some sort of contest between us. I try to foil her attempts at destruction; she laughs and finds new, more horrible, methods. I’m pretty sure I’m losing.

Moving on to the initial, albeit subjective, miraculous incident of the weekend: after almost four months of not once acknowledging the existence of the dog door, Roxy started using it Friday night with no effort on my part, evidently simply a matter of motivation. Fall has definitely arrived here (snow on the mountains this morning) and it has been cool enough I want the back door closed. And I have been stinky about getting up and down every 30 seconds to let her in and/or out . The dog door does slow her down somewhat – no more full speed ahead with a head-butt to knock the screen open. No wonder I’ve repaired the back screen door twice this summer. Well, the screen part has been fixed; the chewed up frame has yet to be repaired. One can only do so much.

The true, real and huge miracle:

My neighbors (the good ones) stopped by Saturday. Roxy made her usual sincere promise to eat them when they arrived. I got her harness on psycho dog, not sure how, and put her in time out in the bathroom. Rhae and hubs and I talked for a while and then hubs bailed before the hound was released, can’t say that I blame him. Rhae and I talked a little more and, when she was mentally braced, I put the leash on R and brought her out of the bathroom. A moment of hesitation but no psychotic break, no barking. She walked right up to Rhae, said hello, and sniffed for treats. I almost fainted and had to document the occasion. Bless her, Rhae has been brave enough to have made several attempts with the Roxinator over the past couple of months so between that and the harness and leash, a true miracle:

I wouldn’t say Roxy was 100% relaxed and on board but she was such a good girl! Yes, we did reward with treats – I am not a monster, in spite of what she says.

And I’m counting this as another miracle, although some of you may disagree. The Wicked Witch of the West neighbor? That moved away the middle of the summer? She texted Sunday and wants to make up. I would have bet money I was never going to hear from her again. So I texted back and at some point we’ll talk. I plan to exercise a few more boundaries and a lot of caution with her. I will bet the farm that she will never, ever darken my door. A safe bet don’t you think?

So there’s this week’s litany of destruction and miracles. Stand by.

hugs to all!


  1. OMD!!!! LMAO!!!! Reallu! Laughing so hard…and I even know some of the story…but seei g it here in print…seeing the pictures…the video…it all adds another dimension of HARDY LAUGHTER!!

    That gate…….OMD….surely you’ll get the “yard of the month” award!! πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

    Roxy will figure that out in no time! Opening cabinets closed with velcro? I give it less than a week before she gets back into them!

    To think that she carried that toilet paper stand down the stairs with all her other treasures…..that took a lot of configuration going downstairs!!

    And then the MIRACLES!! The doggy door, making nice with the “nice” neighbor….YAAAAAAAAAY FOR ROXY!! πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

    A d yeah, I think you’re really wise ro hold off communicating with the Witch neighbor. I don’t k ow why, but I bet she’s in cahoots with that other neighbor now who is channeling his Witch side!!

    I do think that Roxy is telling you she is the Julia Childs of the dog world and wants to set up her own kitchen! Goodness k ows she collected enough kitchen supplies!! πŸ™‚

    Oh Teri, your blog really has brought us some much needed comic relief!!! And the way you tell us about Roxy’s….er….uniqueness… is a true gift!! πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

    Isa KNEW this gal needed you…And you needed her….and WE needed her!!! πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

    Still laughing…:-) πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

    Lots and lots of love!!
    Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

      benny55 — September 27, 2017 @ 10:16 pm   Reply

    • My life and destruction of personal property are here for your entertainment! For the record, this is the second time that TP holder has found it’s way downstairs. I have no clue what her fascination is with it. I really should have taken a picture of the TP trail down the stairs from the first go-round. Not as much left on the roll this time. and if the velcro holds through today, I’ll be amazed.

        teri — September 27, 2017 @ 10:23 pm   Reply

  2. oh wow Teri. You really have your hands full. Now I don’t know how you hold onto your sanity with all that stuff brought down to your living room.

    I am glad she has made progress with the doggy door and the neighbor. Any more progress with doggy daycare? Maybe that would tire her out?

    Michelle & Angel Sassy

      Michelle — September 28, 2017 @ 12:57 am   Reply

    • Now Michelle, what makes you think I was ever sane? Viewing the eclectic collection, as Petra calls it, from an archeological view helps. It’s all a field study of Roxy. I am thinking we should try day care again, for a half day to start. See how she does. She’s not as insecure as she once was. I would love, love, love to leave her somewhere where I didn’t worry about (what’s left of) the house and she’d get worn out. Win-win!

        teri — September 28, 2017 @ 3:23 pm   Reply

  3. BTW…love the signature of ROXINATOR!!! Certainly fits! πŸ™‚

      benny55 — September 28, 2017 @ 3:17 am   Reply

  4. The Roxinator! πŸ˜†πŸ€£πŸ€£ Nice to meet you! You are a mighty Tasmanian Devil! What a cracker!
    Teri, you tell a story like no one else! πŸ˜‚ I am sorry for you, but who wouldn’t kill themselves laughing at the collection of items that she chooses! Rather eclectic I’d say! πŸ˜‚
    So now that I’m over my laughing fit, I’d love to offer some advice on meet and greet for darling insecure Roxy! (At least from what I have read and seen, I get the feeling that Roxy is shy and insecure? Please correct me if I’m wrong.)
    Here’s some suggestions….
    When a visitor greets Roxy, make sure that they don’t make eye contact and to calmly leave their hands by their side or in their lap. Don’t say anything to Roxy, let her explore with her nose… that will tell her everything she needs to know about a person… are they calm, are they a leader or can I boss them around… when Roxy has finished her inspection and relaxes, then you tell her she is a very good girl and offer treats at that point. If your guest is giving the treat, have Roxy go to them, but with no talking and no direct eye contact. Roxy will learn to be more relaxed as everyone maintains the same calm and positive attitude around her.
    I am a mobile dog groomer and have dealt with many different personalities and I have found that if you think only positive outcome, dogs will pick up on that and react in the same fashion. All it takes is time and patience and it sounds like you have a ton of that! πŸ˜‚
    Big hugs to you both and I’m sorry, but I can’t wait until the next entertaining episode is blogged! Lol
    By the way…. the gate is brilliant! You’ll have it set up as Fort Knox in. I time! πŸ˜‚ (I don’t think I’ve laughed this hard reading anyone else’s blog thus far! Thank you! πŸ˜‚)

    Sloppy kisses from StewieπŸ‘…πŸΎ
    & all the very best from his adoring pack,
    Petra, Paul, & his feline siblings, Mr. Spike, Chester Molester & Miss Lily 🐾🐾🐾❀️.

      Super Stu! — September 28, 2017 @ 4:17 am   Reply

    • Hi Petra! Thanks for the advice. Yes, she is insecure and shy – she was not socialized as she needed to be as a puppy and from what I’ve read of her (obvious) breed, they are in particular need for thorough socialization. She’s young still, not yet two, so I may have a chance. Most visitors don’t get a chance to get in the door, much less sit quietly. She is quite scary in her greetings, everyone’s adrenaline is rapidly elevated. I’m learning and once I get the glass front door covered, I may improve my odds. If you’re looking for additional laughs, I highly recommend The Meg-A-Star. Smooches to your fur babies

        teri — September 28, 2017 @ 3:37 pm   Reply

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