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Isa's Story

September 21st, 2018

A Quick Update

Posted by teri in Uncategorized    

The wedding was lovely and fun with a lot of laughter and all kinds of good things. My niece looked gorgeous and the family members I had some concern about were on their best behavior so bail money was not necessary. Hotter than anything and Nevada, bless their pointed little heads, still allow smoking inside particularly in casinos so the weekend was a misery for my respiratory system. Better now that I’m home in clean air, even if there is less oxygen.

Yes, I had to turn up at jury duty Monday – brutal morning (plane was more than an hour late getting in Sunday night). GPS had me drive right past the courthouse without bothering to mention it so I was late and flustered. But I did get excused just after lunch after much whining on my part. So success!

Picked up Roxy from boarding and drove home with the mantra “I just want a nap …” repeating through my head. Made it home and slept for a whole half-hour until someone decided we needed protecting. I had to get up anyway to go to an appointment and then pick Wallee up from my friend’s house.

My return that evening gave me further evidence that Roxy has made up her mind to stay in her roundup. I had been gone for maybe two hours and came home to her greeting me at the car. She was out having punched a(nother) hole through the wire. Clearly she had not been home long enough to ensure the perimeter was sufficiently secure to remain in the roundup. Tuesday and Wednesday when I got home from work – in the enclosure as has become the new normal. So there’s that.  I do wish I knew what changed her mind. As always, the Roxinator’s English skills are severely lacking.

And I am pleased to report that I came home to a fully functioning refrigerator, ice and everything! Even the water leak in the bathroom stopped while I was gone. Sadly, it has now redoubled it’s efforts. Anyone know a plumber? I think perhaps a betting pool should be started on whether or not I survive the winter in the trailer. Or possibly what will break next. Seems like someone should make some money on this fiasco.

So there’s the answer to your burning questions about my weekend!

Lots of love to you all!

Teri, the Roxinator and Angel Isa



  1. Glad you had a good time at the wedding. I am glad you didn’t have to continue with jury duty (something I haven’t ever had to do). Roxy is maybe just becoming more comfortable where she is and no one there to torment her so she is more happy.

    Continue to update us on everything. I am not very lucky so no pool from me LOL.

    Michelle & Angel Sassy

      Michelle — September 21, 2018 @ 8:53 pm   Reply

  2. Well, a wedding without the need for bail money is surely a success!! LOL. Glad you had fun despite the archaic laws and disdain for indoor air quality in Nevada. Glad that after the momentary lapse, Roxy is sticking to her round up enclosure again. And well done on evading jury duty. I cannot figure out what my secret is to never getting called. I was summoned in NY literally on the eve of my move to MN and once in MN despite being a registered voter, homeowner and tax payer with the same address for 30 years. I haven’t even changed my phone number. I was called once and sat in a lower level room for a week trying to ignore the bad TV the others watched and reading the first Harry Potter book. I never got polled for a potential seat ONCE. Ken has never been called at all!

      hester — September 23, 2018 @ 6:01 pm   Reply

  3. Dang! I was so hoping for handcuff pics… 🙂 🙂
    and Teri: I’ll bet my money on you any time!!

      tinsch — September 24, 2018 @ 2:49 pm   Reply

  4. A wedding without brawls? I know not of such an event. At least in our family!

    Leaving town and jury duty all within a week don’t get no better than that. Water leak or not, I’d call that a big success!

    One day Roxy will share the secret of why she changed her mind. I can’t wait to find out.

      jerry — September 25, 2018 @ 3:13 am   Reply

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